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Chesty cough for 6 months Symptoms mean and draberybearm What you should do nexthi, my 3 year old son has had a chesty/mucus cough since he was about 10 months old, it goes for a few days but then its back again for months and months.Numerous trips to the doctors are not helping,(Just keep being told its a virus), one particular trip to the doctors resulted in me being told its a virus but then we ended up A because he couldn't breath, it turned out he had croup.He has had a chest xray which came back normal and so did he's bloods.I'm just worried there is an underlying problem because this cough just isn't going away at all, it sounds awful, he brings up green phlebm but he refuses to spit it out.The cough isn't getting worse but beats by dr dre outlet then its not getting better either, its worse first thing in the morning. Hi, i've had a similar problem with my 3 year old girl.The last seven months have been the worse and she has been in and out of the doctors, on and off antibiotics etc etc.In jan they said she had asthma however i was trying to explain that the mucus seemed to be coming from her nose and throat rather than her chest?It seems everything just"Rattles"Around in her ear nose and thorat then during the night dr dre beats uk causes her to cough so much to the point of vomitting.I understand how distressing it is for you, we're exactly the same.I've seen a different doctor with her today and he has confirmed that she has enlarged tonsils and adenoids and they are causing the mucus production and excessive coughing.She may have to have them removed(She's been referred to ent specalist)And also if the fluid has built up in her ears may also have to have gromits inserted.Its worth seeing a different doctor and insisting on a full examination(Up the nose, back of throat, ears etc).I knew my daughter didn't have asthma and am so glad i went back today!Good luck xx Hi, i've just joined and seen your messages regarding chesty coughs.Ive noticed that these were posted about a year ago and wondered, if you see this message, how your children are now?Reason i ask if that my 18 month old son has had a chesty/rattly cough for roughly 6 months and has just been sent for a chest x ray.The doctor has told me he is testing for cystic fibrosis which has scared me to death.My son had the heel test when born and that came back clear.There is no history of lung problems in either family.I am ever so worried and have to wait for at least 2 weeks for the x ray to come back. Health azsdiseases and conditions a zexaminations and tests a zmedicines a zslideshows azsupport groups a zsurgical and cosmetic procedures a zvideos a z The materials in this web site are in no way intended to replace the professional medical care, advice, diagnosis or treatment of a doctor.The web site does not have answers to all problems.Answers to specific problems may not apply to everyone.If you notice medical symptoms or feel ill, you should consult your doctor for further information see our terms and conditions. Netdoctor is a publication of hearst magazines uk which is the trading name of the national magazine company ltd, 72 broadwick street, london, beats by dre solo w1f 9ep.Registered in england 112955.

